Torn Dark Wiki
Make Torn City Wikipedia dark themed.
5 users
LeetTab - Leetcode Dashboard
Have all your upcoming interviews and Leetcode stats in one place. Stay on the grind and land your dream software engineering job.
5 users
Teleprompter Mirror
Mirrors almost any webpage for use with a teleprompter.
5 users
ZenGram: Mindful Instagram, Your Way
A selective blocker for Instagram.
5 users
Social Media Ad-Block
This add-on will block any advertisiment in your social network. Implemented: Twitter.
5 users
Boloss AdBlocker (Youtube)
Bloque les publicités sur YouTube
5 users
Safebook is Facebook without the content, a browser extension that hides all images, text, video, and audio on the site. Left behind are the empty containers that frame our everyday experience of social media.
5 users
Automatically switch to the next opened YouTube tab, once a video has finished. Should you want to skip the current video, a button is added to the YouTube player to start the next opened YouTube video aswell.
5 users
F1TV Spoilers
Removes spoilers from F1 TV
5 users
Dharma Quotes
Read a Dharma quote every time you open a new tab. Quotes from teachers belonging to all Buddhist traditions.
5 users
Form Filler
Copy form data to another form FMC-CRM
5 users
DOMination Point and Click
Remove any DOM element with a point and click. Annoying pop ups? Point and click to dominate it out of existence.
5 users
TW Power Tools
Get infinite scroll and other enhancements in the Google Forums and the Community Console
5 users
GitHub Sidebar
Displays a sidebar with GitHub. Select the icon in the toolbar to open GitHub in the sidebar - great for GitHub users working on a small screen.
5 users
Hide Google Meet Buttons
Hide Google Meet information in Gmail and Google Calendar
5 users
Vertauschte Woerter!
DIese Browsererweiterung vertauscht bestimmte Wörter auf Webseiten, weil es witzig ist.
5 users
material icons for GitHub
5 users
Change the new Ephec color to the beautiful old one
5 users
Translate This Page
Provides action icon to forward to the page translated with Google Translate.
5 users
Hacker News Pro
Use your coding skills to craft the perfect Hacker News experience
5 users
Youtube Zen
A web popup extension that boosts productivity by removing certain distracting elements on youtube.
5 users
Reddit Code Highlight
Applies syntax highlighting to code blocks on Reddit.
5 users
BSS - Better enhancements
5 users
Wikipedia Popularity Meter
See the relative popularity of pages on Wikipedia.
5 users
adds nekofeed tab to, so u can see the latest posts from site u follow.
5 users