Search with Google Map
Right-click to search the selected text with Google Map
421 users
Change the color of visited link with the color of your choice
419 users
Wide GitHub
Makes GitHub wide on Mozilla Firefox.
419 users
Wtyczka do serwisu to szybsze wklejanie linków do ściągnięcia bez konieczności ich kopiowania.
415 users
Sticky notes for the Internet
415 users
PageProof online proofing
Extends your experience of PageProof so you can review and approve anything and everything! Making feedback welcome.
414 users
Simple New Tab button
Adds a New Tab button to the toolbar.
414 users
Instagram Chat
Enables Instagram chat for the desktop.
409 users
A cat that can walk around on your page
408 users
CSS Toggler
Browser extension to quickly toggle CSS.
408 users
CSV Reader
CSV Reader transforms raw csv data into a simple html table, easily readable in your browser. Find the data you need, fast.
408 users
Real-Debrid download-all
Add a "Download all" button in Real Debrid if your download is split in multiple files.
406 users
Автозаповнення полiв сторiнки з файлу обмiну в особистому кабiнетi "Електроннi сервiси Держгеокадастру"
406 users
PlantUML Visualizer
A Chrome / Firefox extension for visualizing PlantUML descriptions.
403 users
Google Art Project
Art Project masterpieces from Google Cultural Institute in your Firefox's new tabs WebExtension replacement:
403 users
Popup Bookmarks
Add a button to popup any bookmarks folder. By default settings the bookmarks toolbar pops up.
402 users
Automatic Reader View
Automatically load webpages in Firefox's Reader View – as the default for the websites you specify.
402 users
Promoted Pin Hider
For Pinterest. Puts a big ol' gap where promoted pins used to be. It ain't PinBlock, but it's better than nothing.
402 users
Usuwa slajdy na, i innych portalach.
401 users
Open Image in New Tab
Customizable context menu item for opening images in a new tab. No icon is shown in the context menu. The following options are currently available: * Open tabs in background (don't focus newly opened tab) * Open image next to current tab
401 users
Turn Off YouTube Comments & Live Chat
Turn off YouTube comments and/or hide YouTube live chat on videos.
400 users
KeePass Helper - URL in title
Puts a hostname or a URL in the window title. It does not modify the title of a tab, just the window title. It does not inject any JavaScript code to a website, so it can't corrupt, nor can it be corrupted by it.
400 users
Dark Theme for Instagram™
A highly customizable dark theme for Instagram homepage and search
400 users
Dark Mode Everywhere
Every website gets a night look, automagically!
395 users
Better YouTube
Better Youtube extends the Youtube Gaming Livestream Chat with many different features that make general use more attractive! (Twitch Emotes, BTTV & FFZ Emotes, ...)
395 users