Mountain HD Wallpaper New Tab Theme
Custom new tab background theme with Mountain HD wallpapers in every new tab easily
366 users
Pressing control and shift keys, double click away any element you want to hide. Control + shift + z to undo.
366 users
Stop button
Adds a stop button to the browser toolbar. Simply a stop button, otherwise similar to what the browser normally has, but this does not transform to a reload button at the wrong moment.
366 users
[STG plugin] Open Manage groups
Open Manage groups page in Simple Tab Groups extention
365 users
e621 enhancement
364 users
Youtube Skip Sign-in
This extension hides automatic sign-in pop-ups on Youtube.
364 users
Onion Search Engine
set Onion Search Engine as your browser's default search engine. Onion Search Engine protects your privacy and does not spy on you. Search the normal network and the onion network.
364 users
Better Subscriptions for Youtube™
This plugin for Firefox aims to make navigating YouTube's subscription grid easier by allowing users to hide watched videos. Github:
363 users
Catppuccin for GitHub File Explorer Icons
Soothing pastel icons for GitHub File Explorer!
363 users
GMail Opener
Opens after clicking on it. Does nothing else.
361 users
Mail Notifier for Outlook™
Get your notification button for Mail Outlook™ right now!
361 users
Make every YouTube video into a Blue-Archive Sechi Cameo!
361 users
Helps you to block advertisements, tracking or any scripts and any annoying contents with easy methods.
360 users
Link Visitor
This add-on provides the ability to add single or multiple links to the browser history, making them appear visited, without having to actually visit them. It also allows them to be removed from the history.
359 users
Property Seeker
Take the guess work out of house hunting. Shows you the hidden price range on Domain and Realestate Australia to make searching for property less frustrating.
359 users
Twitter Ad Blocker
Blocks promoted content from Twitter
358 users
358 users
SoundCloud Night Mode
Theme with a darker (night mode) theme
358 users
Make Donald Drumpf Again! Replaces all instances of "Trump" with "Drumpf".
358 users
Measure Element
Shows width, height, or alignment of selected area at anywhere on webpage in pixels.
357 users
Show YouTube Upload Date
Shows upload date of YouTube video, regardless of window size.
356 users
StayFocused hides distractions and keeps you focussed.
355 users
New Tab Wallpaper
Style your new tab - add beautiful and high quality pictures to new tabs.
355 users
With this add-on, your browser will not download HbbTV/CE-HTML/BML/OHTV web pages (i.e. iTV applications) but will provide a simulator enabling underneath technological features (OIPF,DVB,...)
354 users
This addon will allow to see the not-so-paywalled articles hosted on
351 users