Night mode for Aliexpress in English
Night mode for Aliexpress in English protects your eyes, making the colors on the site Ali en more pleasant for night shopping
138 users
facebook toolbar buttons
138 users
TST Tab Drag Handle
Provides UI in Tree Style Tab to start tab dragging for different purposes.
138 users
Change the behavior of animated images
138 users
Scott The Tube
Modify YouTube thumbnails to include Scott The Woz
138 users
Turn your new tabs into a universe! Explore a random planet/star/asteroid when you open a new tab
137 users
Australis-like refresh in URL bar
Adds a refresh button in the URL bar. Icon is CC-BY-SA 4.0 by Twitter user trumpikas.
137 users
YouTube DougDougify
Modify YouTube thumbnails to include DougDoug
137 users
Colorful Windows
Minimalist browser extension to dynamically theme new windows (very cute). Use to differentiate open windows *or for the aesthetic ☆ ~('▽^人) *.
137 users
Data dodania ogłoszenia Otodom
Wyświetla datę dodania i modyfikacji ogłoszenia na
137 users
New Tab
A new look for firefox homepage and the newtab page.
137 users
Night Shift Google Drive
Basic extension that updates Google Drive to dark mode.
136 users
Google Search display icon
Display the site icons on the Google search page
136 users Linkacz
Przycisk otwierający link do pliku MP4 na stronie
136 users
Page Editor
EDITS ANY PAGE! Good for pranking and trolling your friends! A very funny addon.
136 users
YouTube Chapters In Player
Shows YouTube chapters right in the player
136 users
AliExpress Invoice Generator - AliInvoice™️
AliInvoice™️ Converts AliExpress order details into an invoice ready to print!
136 users
Find on
Finds selected text on czech map server . It simply just opens a new tab with the search results. It is for you who are using and find it annoying to copy&paste the text. Use keyword @mapy for search engine.
135 users
WideGPT allows you to widen ChatGPT's answer area. Useful for wider code blocks - no more scrolling!
135 users
Youtube Playback Speed Buttons
Control speed of the youtube playback using keyboard. Press '>>' button to increase and '<<' button to decrease the playback speed.
134 users
Display big images in OpenSeadragon to enable zoom and pan.
134 users
RYM Stats
Enhance your RateYourMusic experience with integration - view scrobble stats, recent tracks and top albums directly on RYM pages.
134 users
Material Freebox OS
Améliorez le design de Freebox OS grâce à Material Freebox OS !
134 users
URL Tooltip WE
Displays target URL in tooltip, when hovering over a link.
134 users
Wide GPT
Scale ChatGPT output to 100% width. Source in description. Note: ChatGPT answer space is only increased if ChatGPTs sidebar is extended.
134 users