Acessa o HTML e altera o texto de acordo com os dados copiados de outra tela.
129 users
DeviantArt Anti Janky
Improves scrolling and performance.
129 users
Awami Nastaliq Font Package
This extension allows the user to use Awami Nastaliq font to see Urdu and other languages that written in Arabic scripts.
128 users
Activate Left Tab On Close
When the currently active tab is closed, always switch to the one on the left of it.
128 users
Extension for EXIF and image properties in a classic representation.
128 users
Tabs manager
With this extension handle your opened tabs, order them by title or url, find duplicated ones matching the same urls.
127 users
Zoom IN/OUT with the mouse clicking left or right button + wheel UP/DOWN Two permissions required: TABS: To do ZOOM in the tabs :-) STORAGE: To store settings
127 users
Material Design Color Palette - Click to Copy
Click to copy Material Design color palette. Copy in #HEX, HEX, RGB( ), RGBA( ), HSL( ), & HSLA( ).
127 users
Black Menu for Wikipedia
Easy access to the Wikipedia Universe
127 users
9gag Night Mode
Night mode for the 9gag website! Ported from chrome extension( 9gag Night Mode by Alexandre Benoit )
127 users
Zoom Lock
Prevents zooming on webpages
126 users
This extension automatically send credentials for HTTP-Authentication based on a list of passwords associated to a regular expression.
126 users
A logical board game, played on a chessboard for two players, combining elements of art, science and sports.
126 users
Toggle Native Tab Bar
This addon, with a little help from some css, shows or hides the native tab bar when the user wants.
126 users
Zoom to Fill
This extension will zoom to fill the video in full screen. In other words, remove black bars while watching Youtube in full screen.
126 users
A simple add-on that removes the new "X" branding from Twitter.
126 users
Reading Aid
Enhance your reading experience. This add-on enables browser changes that help the readability for dyslexia and ADHD.
126 users
Board: Papier for Firefox
A simple way to keep your thoughts, tasks, plans in one place, right in your browser. Whenever you open your browser you have your task/thoughts list ready, same on a new tab. The first thing you see on your browser is your scribbled thoughts.
126 users
[STG plugin] Group notes
Create notes for group
125 users
The Pirate Bay Tweaks
Enhances The Pirate Bay with configurable tweaks.
125 users
Close current Tab
Add a button to close the current active tab. Ajoute un bouton de fermeture de l'onglet actif.
125 users
YouTube Unrounded Thumbnails
Removes round corners from YouTube thumbnails.
124 users
Better Ruler
124 users
Enables the setting of the URL of the new tab
124 users
inDoors - Show Glassdoor ratings on job sites
Shows Glassdoor ratings for companies when searching on Linkedin, Indeed, and Handshake.
124 users