The Settlers Online Widget. Use your favourite maps in „The Settlers Online“ without switching between tabs or apps.
46 users
Refer Deez Nuts
Referral codes in URL query strings are often used to track users across the web and serve no other purpose. When you click a link, this extension will attempt to replace any tracking code in your URL with "deez_nuts."
46 users
Convert EPUB to File
Convert EPUB to image (JPEG), text (TXT), and documents (EPUB, FB2, DOCX, PPTX, XML, JSON, CBZ, HTML)
46 users
Synonym Search
Search synonyms for selected text using thesaurus.com
46 users
Open hidden image in new tab
Don't you hate it when images are hidden behind links? With this dead simple extension you can open any image in a new tab.
46 users
get your IP by a click ;)
46 users
obliczanie procentów-kalkulatorprocentowy.pl
Procent z liczby. Jakim procentem jednej liczby jest druga ? O ile procent liczba wzrosła lub zmalała? Dodaj lub odejmij procent.
46 users
Domain Details
Extension used for Getting Domain Information
45 users
This add-on overrides the user-select CSS property, allowing you to easily select and copy te
45 users
YouNote - Create personal notes
YouNote - Create personal notes / to-do list
45 users
Cookie Editor Pro
An effective and user-friendly Cookie Editor Pro.
45 users
Confirm with users before opening any mailto link on the page through their default email client.
45 users
Islamic Prayer Times
Islamic Prayer Times provides You with Hijri Date, Prayer Times, and the remaining time for the next pray depending on your time zone.
45 users
Slashy - Custom commands for Notion
Record, draw, and create custom commands without leaving Notion.
45 users
Плагин загрузки в ФГИС
Сервис пакетной загрузки - простой и удобный способ загрузки протоколов испытаний в ФГИС 2.0 Росаккредитация!
45 users
当华工的学堂在线 (https://scutspoc.xuetangx.com)发现您离开该网页干其他事时,正在播放的视频会被暂停,此插件可保证您的视频在播放结束之前永远不会停下来,从而可以一边挂着网页一边干其他事,甚至可以打开多个网页同时刷。 已知bug: 1、点开视频后必须手动按开始(可能和浏览器设置有关) 2、刚开始编写此插件时视频播放完后会自动暂停,并在标题显示“看完啦”信息,但目前有时会出现播完不暂停,继续从头播的现象 (用完麻烦顺手打个分评个论让我知道有活人在用TAT
45 users
Copy all tab URLs to clipboard
45 users
yggtorrent ratio
Adds the resulting user ratio after download for each torrent as well as the leech% and ratio% for the yggtorrent website.
45 users
APK Downloader for Cafebazaar.ir
Cafabazaar APK Download - دانلود مستقیم از کافه بازار A simple extension for downloading APKs from cafebazaar.ir directly! یک افزونه ساده برای دانلود مستقیم بسته های برنامه های اندروید از سایت کافه بازار
45 users
Easily download samples from SampleFocus.com without an account and limitations. Just click the download button on a sample after searching. Note: Due to new changes, you have to manually save them.
45 users
Google Toolbox
180+ Google products readily available at your fingertips!
45 users
Make a language test out of any website in 2 simple steps: select text and right click "Make a test".
45 users
Ticketmatic integration
45 users
Simple Auto Refresher
A simple tool to make the website live every time! Refresh your pages with selected time intervals.
45 users