Tab Master 5000
Tab Master 5K replaces your New Tab page with a full-featured tabs, history, bookmarks, and sessions manager.
50 users
Edit with VIM text editor
Edit an HTML element and all its child nodes in VIM text editor with real-time updates
50 users
Single sign on system for your favourite school resources.
50 users
A lil Sapphire can surely enhance this Emerald
50 users
POI pocket
Create new POI in Select text (address, GPS coordinates...), right click and choose Create POI.
50 users
YouTube No Annotations
Prevents YouTube HTML5 and Flash players from auto-enabling annotations
50 users
Timer, Alarm & Stopwatch
An easy-to-use and lite timer, stopwatch, and alarm for your browser.
50 users
Web Essentials
Interacts with Visual Studio's Browser Link feature
50 users
Focus to search bar
adds a keyboard shortcut to focus the website specific search bar.
50 users
Browser extension for GetOrganized product. It enables GO integration with other desktop applications, e.g. with Outlook.
50 users
Checkvist Web Clipper
Developer-friendly tool with outstanding keyboard support. Clip from Jira issues, Zendesk tickets, GitHub, email, Youtube, bookmark any webpage. Organize into nested task lists, and share with your team.
50 users
Automatic Roblox Launcher!
When you open CHROME or FIREFOX (even Macbook) It will automatically shoot you to
50 users
Workflowy Sidebar
Displays Workflowy in the sidebar.
50 users
WISHstorage Service
Оффициальное расширение от сервиса Wishstorage для добавления материалов в виде ссылок на веб сайты, ссылок на товары в интернет магазинах, новостей, статей, публикаций и многих других материалов
50 users
Style Scout
Fonts & Colors Finder
50 users
Skillshare Player Control
Basic keyboard controls for Skillshare's player.
49 users
Vereniging Eigen Huis
Vereniging Eigen Huis - Brondata verzamelen.
49 users
A simple extension to help you block a list of sites. Uses browser storage to save settings. Settings consist of one regex per line for blacklisting.
49 users
Open a new tab (Ctrl+T)
Opens a new tab like the original new tab button or the shortcut (Ctrl+T)
49 users
Reddit All Comments Viewer
Adds a button to "Load all comments" on
49 users
Link Previewer
Quickly preview the content of a link by just hovering it.
49 users
View page pure text.
49 users
Cosplay Photo Downloader
Easy to download high-quality cosplay photo without login.
49 users
Scribd Embed Opener
A simple Firefox add-on that helps you directly access embedded content on Scribd. If you are browsing a page containing a Scribd document link, the add-on will display a button that takes you directly to the embedded content in a new tab.
49 users
English-Czech Dictionary
This extension allows users to select (by dragging or double clicking) words on a website and have them translated from english to czech.
49 users