Incorpora ao Sistema Eletrônico de Informações (SEI) novas funções de produtividade
30 users
Super CSS Inject
Keep multiple stylesheets ready to inject and change on the fly!
30 users
Improve the Nexus mods website with a quick download button and automatic downloads.
30 users
Table Scraper
Downloads all table fields on a website and exports each one into an .xml file for easy importing into excel.
30 users
SPDX License Diff
Diff selected text against SPDX licenses
30 users
Zob Auto Correct
Il s'agit d'une extension qui, sur chaque pages web visitées, remplace le nom de Zemour ou Eric Zemmour par Zob comme l'a fait Charline sur les affiches. Il n'y a aucune information récoltée, l'extension agit seulement sur la page visit
30 users
Document Previewer
This add-on uses the preview feature of Google docs to preview documents (doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, pdf) online, without the need to download them first.
30 users
Block Instagram Explore
Addon to block Instagram Explore page
30 users
Over 18 Cookie
Set the over18 cookie automatically so you can skip Reddit's age gate.
30 users
Twitter Setting Saver
Keeps you on that Latest view, even though Twitter thinks it knows best.
30 users
GitLab Dashboard
This extension shows a dashboard for all projects in GitLab
30 users
Gecko Code Coverage
Extension that augments several Mozilla websites (Phabricator, DXR, Searchfox, Bugzilla) with code coverage information.
30 users
This extension adds an BrowserFairy button to the toolbar which allows you send the current page to a different browser.
30 users
Set the focus on search boxes without using the mouse, just pressing Esc key
30 users
Tweetdeck for sidebar
You can display tweetdeck in the sidebar. サイドバーにtweetdeckを表示させることができます。youtubeを見ている最中だろうが、ブログを読んでいるときだろうが、いつでもタイムラインを見ることができます。
30 users
Permission Inspector Premium
Permission Inspector Premium empowers you to uncover what your installed Firefox extensions can access. Stay informed and in control with this essential tool for inspecting browser permissions!
30 users
EZProxy Redirect
Quickly reload pages through your library's EZProxy.
30 users
Plugin which automatically switches all tabs in browser by the cycle. It may be very useful for system performance dashboards if you need to watch few dashboards from different systems in one browser window. You also can configure switch interval.
30 users
WebRTC Control
Have control over WebRTC (disable | enable) and protect your IP address.
30 users
Hyperlink List
List all hyperlinks
30 users
Download all your Quora answers.
29 users
Spotify URL Parser
Converts Spotify URLs into URIs and opens them in the Spotify app.
29 users but in an extension so you can have fake keyboard sounds.
29 users
Link Status WE
Shows an indicator on the status tip along with the link address when the mouse cursor is over a link to a page you bookmarked or visited before.
29 users
epg页面开发人员遥控器模拟器, 1.epg开发人员请拦截onkeypress事件 2.模拟播放器(注意初始化播放器请在页面加载完) 3.提供模拟AAA鉴权跳转 备注:最初版代码来自成思科技的coffee(的开发的chrome插件。 源码地址:
29 users