Open source ShareLatex/Overleaf extension that adds features for an improved editing experience!
32 users
base16 themes for the Firefox UI. Note: If the theme isn't applied to newly opened windows, try setting the default Firefox theme (instead of the dark theme) in the customize menu or in about:addons.
32 users
CF static site enchancer
Enhances the static codeforces websites with additional features so that you get a complete environment during contests
32 users
Focus input element
Pressing the shortcut key moves the cursor to the text box on the Web page.
32 users
Remove Twitter Timeline
Firefox add-on that removes the timeline on Twitter
32 users
32 users
32 users
Sandbox Version
Shows your Salesforce sandbox version next to your sandbox host
32 users
ViewerJS WE
Allows you to view documents using ViewerJS.
32 users
Elorus time tracking
Use Firefox to track time effortlessly and boost your productivity. The timer will be in sync with your Elorus account, so you can make real-time updates via any platform. Get your team onboard and gain access to useful insights.
32 users
New Tab Here
Lets you open a new tab at any position. Using different configurable ways (keyboard shortcut, toolbar button, context menus of tabs, …) you can open tabs anywhere you like.
32 users
Dropbox Paper Plus
Dropbox Paper on steroids A WebExtension (Firefox for the moment) to get back what I missed on Evernote and more... /!\ this is an experimental plugin, use it at your own risk! (especially the encryption feature).
32 users
HealthOne Viewer
Integrates HealthOne with your Practice Management System. (Manifest V2)
32 users
Quizlet to Anki
Turn your Quizlet flashcards into Anki decks.
32 users
Last Video 123movies
This plugin helps you to remember your last video watched in 123movies website. I am not related with this site or something else.
32 users
RPN Calculator
This extension adds a convenient reverse Polish notation (RPN) calculator as a browser action button. Also called postfix, RPN calculators take their operators after the operands. If you've used HP calculators, this extension is for you.
32 users
Bind the Kahoot buttons to keys
32 users
Zap Contact Copy
Copie os dados dos contatos recebidos!
32 users
Diff the network traffic in real-time to observe the URLs variant over time.
32 users
Remove Duplicated Linebreaks from Text Area
Provides a context menu item to remove duplicated linebreaks, on a text area.
32 users
Old Genius Redirect
Ensure Genius always loads the old design
32 users
A debugger tool helps to intercept mixpanel events and display event properties regards , Mohamad Samardeh Haghighi Fard :)
32 users
Jenkins Helper
Monitor Jenkins build state and node state, and provide some convenient services.
32 users
Search selection text on longman web.
32 users
Old Design VK Gold
The extension, which brings back old design of VK
32 users