Unblur The Page
Unblurs the page for android!
15 users
Dumb It Down
Use DumbItDown.ai to dumb text down.
15 users
Stack Overflow Unofficial Patch (SOUP)
A collection of various minor client-side bug fixes, work-arounds and usability improvements for Stack Overflow and other Q&A sites on the Stack Exchange Network.
15 users
Stop loading images and other media by default like imglikeopera
15 users
Create a Google Drawing™
This extension creates a new Google Drawing™ when the user is logged into their Google Account. When not logged in, the user is directed to log into their Google Account.
15 users
Schoology Grades
Grabs and shows Schoology grades of courses and assignments using the Schoology API.
15 users
EpubKit Pro
Web page to epub
15 users
Show comic title-text
Display the title-text below comic pages. No mouse hovering required.
14 users
LinkedIn™ Profile to CV
Export LinkedIn™ Profile to PDF CV or Resume
14 users
Full Screen Sci-hub
Sci-hub is a great resource for scientists and other consumers of research. The left side panel is, however, distracting. This extension automatically removes the side panel, providing a nearly full screen PDF viewing experience within Sci-hub.
14 users
Wikipedia Vector 2022 Skin
Enables the new Wikipedia Layout and Design by appending '?useskin=vector-2022' to Wikipedia URLs. This is a fork of "Wikipedia Vector Skin" by Amanano, that does the opposite.
14 users
Smooth zoom web page without touchpad
14 users
Use magic to quickly self-publish your books across all platforms.
14 users
Dolan's Dynamic Theme
A theme that changes colour to match the websites logo
14 users
Tab Control
Limit the number of tabs you can have open.
14 users
Workflowy: disable spellcheck
Disables spellcheck for Workflowy.
14 users
Edupage Addons
Enhance your Edupage experience!
14 users
ニコニコ動画の2024年6月〜8月の障害からの復旧と同時に提供が終了した、ニコニコ動画 (GINZA) 後期 〜 (eR) までのいわゆる (旧) HTML5版プレーヤーを、ニコニコ動画 (帰ってきた) のプレーヤーと置き換える拡張機能です
14 users
Youtube embed link
Redirects all youtube links to embed (fullscreen) version
14 users
Чат закупок
Расширение добавляет кнопки для перехода в чат с основных страниц портала гос. закупок, а также с сайтов торговых площадок.
14 users
Display contents of Wiktionary and Wikipedia in the window.
14 users
Merges all open tabs into one bookmark folder to be restored later. Just like all other bookmarks, MergeMarks are synced and backed up by your browser (if enabled).
14 users
MVP Docs & Learn Champion extension
This extension adds a 'Copy link address with CreatorID' item to your Chrome on suitable sites. It also ensures that the CreatorID is correctly added to the URL, so you don't have to worry about whether the URL alread
14 users
Remove View Count from Twitter
Browser extension to remove the view count from tweetsBrowser extension to remove the view count from tweets
14 users
Voluble is a handy extension that adds a volume control to the Audible web player
14 users