Block comments
This addon blocks comments on some websites where they are notoriously bad.
14 users
Fork of BetterNaifuYTG for personal use.
14 users
jk scroll
Keyboard shortcut extension that allows you to scroll a page with j and k and more. In just 73 lines of code anyone can verify. By @h43z
14 users
Workforce Mate
Fill out your job search efforts on the Workforce Australia website with ease
14 users
Hide LeetCode Difficulty
Hides LeetCode problem difficulty. Mindset is the game! Sometimes when you see the difficulty of the problem, you assume it will take time or you can't do this. Use leetcode difficulty hider to hide the difficulty of all problem statements.
14 users
aStyle-Custom theme,custom style
Addon support: -Import images from computer -Edit style -Edit text color -Edit link color -Edit background color -Edit background Image -Restyle For All site Example: Google Dark theme
14 users
Beta Watch: Parental Monitoring and Control
Parental software that monitors and controls your child's web activity. Blocks and logs websites based on websocket communication. This extension is part of Team Beta's project for CS 4310, Software Engineering I with professor Hank Stalica.
14 users
Disengaged - an Addiction Blocker
Removes the addictive parts of websites so you don't waste as much time on the internet.
14 users
Emphfy Is Very Powerful Extension To Extract E-Mail ID's,Phone NUMBERS,Linkedin LINKS,Facebook LINKS and Instagram LINKS Automatically From Web Pages.
14 users
Night Mode Activation
Activates night mode for websites, creating dark themes for improved readability and reduced eye strain during nighttime browsing sessions.
14 users
Fx-Twitter Link Replacer
Replace links with links.
14 users
YouTube for Musicians
Adds a musician-friendly controller to videos on making it easy to set loops and slow down. Built by
14 users
Count pending ajax requests
14 users
Extension Click2Call pour votre ligne VOIP OVH!
14 users
1-Click View Negative Ebay Feedback
Click "1-Click Ebay Feedback" on any Ebay Auction or Ebay User page to view all of the seller's negative and neutral feedback.
14 users
Scrapboxをもっと便利に使う、楽しく遊ぶ、自由に拡張するための非公式ブラウザ拡張機能です。 搭載機能 - 機能の有効化 - ユーザーが必要とする機能のみを有効化できます。 - 詳細は下記リンク先をご覧ください。 -
14 users
Better Wikipedia
Fixes some annoying things about Wikipedia
14 users
block KT spy
block KT spy iframe page.
14 users
Allows the user to create a set of quick text replacements so you can automatically insert frequently used text based on text keys. Once you've created your text and keys just type the key in any text box and hit Ctrl+. and your text will be entered.
14 users
Extension to sum selected cells in tables. Displays the sum, average, maximum, minimum, and quantity.
14 users
ChatGPT in Google Search
Display ChatGPT answer in Google Search
14 users
Youtube Auto-Reload
Automatically reloads Youtube video player. Useful while listening to music on Youtube.
14 users
Scroll Up to Top
Click on the up arrow icon to scroll to top, Doesn't work for Firefox internal pages & AMO page
14 users
翻訳校閲ハイライト for BPM
14 users
EO.Market – Crypto Market Statistics
View realtime cryptocurrencies prices and coin market cap.
14 users