Memutar Video Server GD di DutaMovie!
780 users
Twitch Channel Points Clicker
Auto-click those channel point bonuses
776 users
A simple and secure in-browser wallet built for Web 3. Easily store, send and receive funds on blockchain.
775 users
PSud Office Opener 2.0
version 2 psud office opener - web extension version
775 users
Search Anime by Screenshot
Use anime screenshots to search where this scene is taken from.
774 users
Enterprise Policy Generator
The Enterprise Policy Engine allows administrators to configure Firefox via a configuration file. The Enterprise Policy Generator helps to create the configuration file.
773 users
Close Right Tabs Button
Adds close right tabs button.
769 users
NAV filter
This addon makes the "Incoming messages" list of more readable by providing background coloring.
764 users
AI Search
Search using AI from Perplexity directly in Firefox. This is an experiment and feedback is definitely welcome.
763 users
小地瓜 —— 小红书图片视频下载助手
762 users
Angular state inspector
Inspect State of the Angular components easily
760 users
Favicon Detector
A simple way to detect website icons.
760 users
YouTube Plus
YouTube with more freedom.
756 users
Sourcegraph for Firefox
Adds code intelligence to GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket Server, and Phabricator: hovers, definitions, references. Supports 20+ languages.
751 users
Popup image. Batch download. Extend BBS. etc...
750 users
划词翻译, 英汉互译, 开关: ctrl+alt 默认开启, 关闭后即在当前站点永久关闭, 除非再次开启 ***开关: ctrl+alt, 默认开启*** 1.1.3版本为默认关闭
750 users
Count Tabs
Displays the number of open tabs.
749 users
Codeforces Practice Tracker
Track your practice progress on Codeforces.
748 users
JustDeleteMe extension for Firefox-based browsers.
743 users
Zorin Connect
Share links with Zorin Connect, direct to the browser or by SMS.
742 users
Save the images from the open tabs
737 users
Scan QR code
Scan QR code through Webcam and screenshot
735 users
Clear Cache
Clear your browser cache in one click and it will run automatically after every 30 minutes and clear cache for you :)
734 users
Widevine L3 Decrypter
Chrome/Firefox extension for pen-testing to retrieve encryption keys of Widevine protected content ! PLEASE DECRYPT CONTENT IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO IT!
733 users
Remove Anything
Remove anything (objects or selected text) from any page via the right-click menu. This is intended to be a WebExtensions alternative to "Nuke Anything Enhanced." Almost all of its features are supported, and the undo/redo system has been improved.
731 users