WikiTree Sourcer
WikiTree Sourcer assists in finding and citing genealogy sources for use on
693 users
Give feedbacks of your daily apps to your IT team
692 users
Kofax PDF Create
Create PDF from web page
690 users
Copy Equation from ChatGPT and Wikipedia
Copy MathML and LaTeX from math elements
684 users
The BlockNote is a quick and easy extension that allows you to take more notes during the navigation, mark text, url, etc.. and retrieve them and edit them at a later time without interrupting your work.
682 users
京价保 - 京东价保助手
680 users
Fudo extension for the use of receipt printers.
678 users
Jelly Party
Watch videos with your friends — in sync! Support Netflix, Disney+, Youtube, Vimeo, Amazon Prime Video & many more! Free & Open Source.
676 users
Hide Images
Blocks all images on a webpage. Enable/disable using browser action.
673 users
Flash Control
Flash control or Flash block firefox extension helps you to block all the Adobe flash player files from any web page you visit.
673 users
Page Performance Test
Get accurate performance timing for any page with this WebExtension
670 users
Internet Speed Tester
Speed Test Most Accurate Online Broadband Internet Speed Test
670 users
Grammar Checker and Text Rewriter — Linguix
Create compelling content with Linguix grammar checker and rewriter.
668 users
Instant access to research full-text papers by searching public resources. This works based on community driven content collected from various resources on the net.
665 users
Popup This Video
Popup any video from the right click menu.
663 users
Disable Polymer on YouTube
The polymer redesign of YouTube has made the site very slow for Firefox users. This add-on adds the "disable_polymer" option to YouTube URLs in order to revert back to the old classic design.
662 users
Google Meet Volume Control
Allows adjustment of volume on Google Meet.
662 users
Download with Download Accelerator Plus
when activated, interrupts the built-in download manager to direct links to DAP
662 users
Open in Freedium
Easily open Medium articles in Freedium to bypass restrictions
660 users
Word Replacer
Change your world one word at a time.
658 users
Accelerate Brondata
De extensie is nodig om voor jouw inventarisatie de benodigde gegevens op te halen bij verschillende overheidsinstanties.
656 users
Cortico EMR Plug-in
Tired of click fatigue? Cortico automates and adds new functions to EMRs (Oscar Pro, Juno, OpenOSP and other web based EMR): patient messaging, file sending and telehealth. Instructions
655 users
Free Modern ChatGPT for Fire Fox - ZChatGPT
Fully Free extension to allow Firefox users to use ChatGPT in any tab without the need to open ChatGPT or having account.
655 users
Small Clock
A simple and small 24hr clock which sits in your toolbar. Ideal for fullscreen browser use. Click on the time to cycle through different colours to find one appropriate for your theme or mood.
655 users
Copy Links
Copy multiple links all at once.
651 users