Universal Trakt Scrobbler
A universal scrobbler for Trakt.tv.
621 users
Remove HTML elements from the right-click context menu.
619 users
FreeTube Redirect
Redirects YouTube links to FreeTube. FreeTube must be downloaded in order for this extension to be useful. Download FreeTube here: https://github.com/FreeTubeApp/FreeTube/
618 users
YouLoop - Repeat video/audio endless on YouTube
Repeat video/audio endless on YouTube. Furthermore a partition loop function is enable.(for HTML5) -- Wiederholt Video/Audio endlos auf YouTube. Des Weiteren gibt es die Möglichkeit, nur einen bestimmten Ausschnitt endlos zu wiederholen.(für HTML5)
618 users
Enable Right Click for Web Developer
Re-enable Right Click for Web Developer™
616 users
URL Shortener & Automatic copy
Generate a shortened URL from the URL of the current page with just one click.
616 users
Das Produktivitäts-Tool für Studierende 🚀
614 users
JavaScript QR Code
Make QR Codes in pure JavaScript
614 users
Pendo Launcher
Pendo’s award-winning digital adoption solutions help people adopt employee-facing software more quickly and successfully.
614 users
PeerName: Surf Blockchain-Based Domains
Enables the resolving of Dot-BIT domains by Namecoin. Also .emc, .coin, .lib and .bazar domains by EmerCoin.
613 users
DesModder for Desmos
Supercharge your Desmos graph creation and sharing experience with many convenient features
607 users
Scroll Lock
Disables the scroll bar and scrolling on any tab!
607 users
Allow Copy& Right Click
Allow Right click, Allow copy, Selection on web sites that prevent it
606 users
TWP - Translate Web Pages (Custom)
Translate your page in real time using Google or Yandex. This extension is a fork of TWP - Translate Web Pages.
605 users
Single html downloader
Download as a single html file for the current page with images and styles.
604 users
dejure.org Multi-Search
Displays search suggestions from multiple search engines at the same time.
601 users
選択したテキストをコンテキストメニューから検索します 検索エンジンに渡す文字列のコードをUTF-8/Shift_JIS/EUC-JP/ISO-2022-JPの中から選べます
601 users
Kill Sticky
Kill off the annoying floating things blocking the website you're trying to see.
599 users
Containers Helper
Helps improve container management by providing container searching, deleting, modifying, duplicating, and default URLs on a per-container or bulk basis. Complements the multi-account containers addon.
597 users
ScrapeMate Beta
Scraping assistant tool. Editing and maintaining lists of CSS/XPath selectors across webpages. Element picker (from SelectorGadget). Presets manager. Active preset JSON view/edit. JavaScript toggling per tab.
594 users
MaoXian web clipper
Clip information from web page to your local machine to avoid information invalidation. Save as HTML or Markdown, Pictures or styles will also be saved. free and respect your privacy.
593 users
Cisco Phone Controller
Embeds a Remote Phone Control App on the Phone's Web Page
593 users
All-In-One PageSpeed Test
Test any website performance with main test tools with one single click: Google PageTest Insights, GTmetrix, Yellow Lab Tools
592 users
Meet Add-On
Collaborate with anyone, anywhere using Meet extension.
592 users