Draws a grid on top of a website.Highly Customizable. useful for checking designs that are supposed to follow a grid-based layout. ex:Bootstrap,Foundation,Skeleton,Yaml...
504 users
A better firefox extension for Pinboard (http://pinboard.in).
503 users
An in-browser internet radio client with no ads, unlimited skips, and song downloads.
503 users
Tab Notes
Open New Tab, and write down every piece of your thought!
500 users
TD Mouseless Browsing
Tobii Dynavox Mouseless Browsing enables users of Tobii Dynavox Communicator to browse the web without a mouse. The extension adds numeric ID tags to every link and/or form element and allows selection of these by typing the number.
499 users
Copy HTML Text WE
Copy HTML source text. Keyboard shortcut F8.
498 users
Lazy Scholar
Automatic check for full text, details, and metrics of scientific articles, plus comments, citations, fast sharing and more.
498 users
Custom Page Zoom
Easily set a custom zoom level for each website (or all websites)
497 users
WordSolver for Skribbl.io
Waouh on cheat sur Skribbl.io
495 users
Keysmith is a Mac App and browser extension pair that lets you create custom keyboard shortcuts for any app or website.
493 users
Summarize your articles online in 1 clic
491 users
Etikimza (e-imza, elektronik imza, Pkcs11)
E-imza veya mobil imza ile belgelerinizi yasal olarak imzalayın. Dokümanlarınızı yükleyin, imzalayın, paylaşın. Kargo ve sarf malzemelerden tasarruf sağlayarak imza ve onay süreçlerinizde hızlanın.
490 users
SSHGate ssh client and terminal emulator
Open SSH client sessions with a terminal emulator
490 users
MM3 Proxy Switch
In the Firefox Browser (and other Mozilla programs) you can per default configure only the setting for one internet connection. With this Proxy Switch you can manage different configurations and simply switch over between these.
489 users
Simple Porn Blocker
Simple extension that blocks pornographic sites and pages by scanning the URL for certain words. Easily add and remove websites and keywords to block.
489 users
Alephium Extension Wallet
Alephium's official extension wallet with powerful features and a clean UI. A secure and convenient way for users to manage their digital assets and interact with decentralized applications (dApps) on the Alephium blockchain.
489 users
Vonage® Integration Suite
Cloud phone system integration with top business applications. Done better.
488 users
File Backups
TiddlyWiki html-file saving and backup, using a Tower of Hanoi strategy! Learn more at: https://pmario.github.io/file-backups/ Video: recoreded with V0.2.1 https://youtu.be/KVLtID8nElU which is slightly outdated. But overall info is OK.
487 users
Introducing Scribdify - Your Firefox Escape Hatch to Scribd Docs!
487 users
Automation 360
Automation 360 extension to automate web applications in Firefox.
487 users
Ninja Download Manager - Free Download Manager
Add downloads to Ninja Download Manager from within Firefox. This plugin adds a right click option to links as well as the option to intercept new downloads.
482 users
Vulners Web Scanner
Tiny vulnerability scanner based on vulners.com vulnerability database. Scan websites while you surf internet!
482 users
nifty keylogger
A keylogger for firefox that works! This add-on logs keys including such keys as ALT, SHIFT, and BACKSPACE. It is hard to detect this keylogger through anti-virus software. To access the log, simultaneously press ALT + SHIFT + K orALT + SHIFT + O .
481 users
Youtube Video Skip Ad Trigger
A plugin for automatically pressing Skip Ad button on youtube videos.
480 users
Close Left Tabs Button
Adds close left tabs button.
479 users