Container Bookmarks
Allows you to open bookmarks in containers.
479 users
Copy Tab URLs
Copies the URLs of all tabs from the current window to the clipboard.
478 users
Drag Select Checkbox
Checks all checkboxes within a click + dragged area, deselects if all are already checked. Save time by dragging over a number of boxes instead of clicking each one. Fully native Javascript, loads into all pages and iframes within pages.
477 users
Add to Microsoft To Do
It's the easiest way to save anything from the web to your ToDo lists.
476 users
Back to Close WE
Use the back button to close newly opened tabs.
475 users
Org Capture
A helper for capturing things via org-protocol in emacs: First, set up: or See for example usage
475 users
The Unofficial Social Blade 3
Track your YouTube stats without leaving your current page. The version 3 allows tracking up to 20 YT channels simultaneously. The extension allows users to enter full Social Blade's statistic pages for accounts right within its pull-down window.
475 users
Todoist Sidebar
Displays the Todoist web app in the Firefox sidebar.
475 users
Close Other Tabs Btn
Adds close other tabs button.
474 users
Japanese Translate & Dictionary Mazii じしょ日本語
For learn japanese, work in all website. Select text and double click to translate.
473 users
GNOME Extension Manager
Enhance the management of GNOME Shell extensions. Provides additional features and tools for discovering, installing, enabling, and configuring GNOME Shell extensions directly from within the GNOME desktop environment.
470 users
Hot Virtual Keyboard Extension
This extension brings up the virtual keyboard when entering text input fields. Hot Virtual Keyboard has to be installed and running: Virtual Keyboard Home Page
469 users
Google™ Search Result Shortcuts
Adds keyboard shortcuts back to Google search results
469 users
URL Shortener & QR Code - iShortener
Fast Shorten URL for Web. Shorten your URL so it’s ready to be shared everywhere.
468 users
Collection of Link Related Actions, e.g. Open Selected Links, Copy Selected Links
466 users
Catbox Uploader
Easy right click uploading to
466 users
Disable Tab Detach
Returns a tab to its original window and position on detach
463 users
iorad - the tutorial builder
Instantly make guided, step-by-step directions for any website, directly in the browser. Here's how it works: Interact with any website, iorad captures and identifies every action and automagically turns it into a step-by-step tutorial.
463 users
Mooc Assistant
463 users
Search with Google Map
Right-click to search the selected text with Google Map
463 users
Text Editor
A free, highly customizable text and code editor for your browser.
462 users
Select an element to be automatically clicked at a determined interval.
462 users
HTTP Status Code
Shows HTTP response status code as a badge icon in the toolbar.
457 users
Twoje przepisy w jednym miejscu! Fooder: łatwe i wygodne używanie przepisów pochodzących z dowolnych serwisów i blogów
457 users
SoundCloud Control
A browser extension that lets you control the SoundCloud player controls without switching tabs.
456 users