Banglarbhumi Easyprint
Now you can easily print Bangalrbhumi Dag & Khatian Information with a single click.
103 users
DuckDuckGo !bangs but Faster
Firefox addon that improves page load time when using !bangs
102 users
OD-Search builds search queries, to find files on the Internet. Just select a preset (eg. videos, documents, audiofiles, ...) enter a searchterm and go.
102 users
Hides elements that contain keywords set by user
102 users
Video to File
Convert video to another file format
102 users
Easy Download
Don't inspect any more.
102 users
Yet Another Jenkins Notifier
This extension monitors Jenkins jobs and notifies you of build results with desktop notifications.
102 users
This extension will find and remove js miners
102 users
Inoffizielle Bernd! Version für den Firefox: Korrigiert den Namen des Politikers Bernd Höcke - inspiriert vom Bohemian Browser Ballett
101 users
Selected Text Searcher
Highlight any text and perform search on any search engine with a couple of clicks, hotkey or gesture.
101 users
Share to Telegram
Shares link with Telegram user of your choice via Telegram app.
101 users
Image Alt Text Copier
Adds a context menu item to images to copy the alt text.
101 users
101 users
New Tab. Minimal.
A better homepage to quick access websites you like!
100 users
你的知识助手, 支持网页、Word、Excel、PPT、PDF、笔记等多种知识来源,结合AI的NLP模型算法和内部构建的专业学术知识图谱,自动进行知识识别、分类、标引、整理、分析、聚合。你可以 知识可视化、知识检索、语音朗读、知识分析、主题整理、知识挖掘、知识推荐、知识分享。
100 users
Fendos LSS Scripte
Verbessert das Browser-Game Diese Erweiterung fügt dem Browser-Game neue Funktionen hinzu.
100 users
Chrome UA on Google for Firefox Android
Sets the Useragent of Firefox Android to Chrome whilst browsing Google's search. This provides the more feature rich Webkit experience. Source Code is available here:
100 users
FocusSurfing - Block Distracting Websites
FocusSurfings is a firefox extension that you can use to help keep you focused and productive. This is done by limiting the amount of time on those pesky websites you love but spend way too much time on them.
100 users
Extension that allows you to interact with webpages using your voice and talon
100 users
Saka - elegent tab search, selection, and beyond
100 users
Textarea Tabbing
Enter Tab characters in Textareas when pressing the Tab key. Selecting text and pressing Tab will indent the selected lines, Shift+Tab will outdent.
100 users
YouTube Never Autoplay
Stop videos on YouTube from playing automatically until an explicit user gesture (clicking or pressing a key).
100 users
A port of Tab Toggle by firesofmay legacy addon to Firefox Quantum and higher versions Pressing ALT-Q will switch to previous tab. Repeating this will toggle between two tabs.
100 users
Paste Email (Original) for Quantum
Paste pre-defined text into any input field
100 users
Fox Input
Add a hotkey to focus on the input area.
99 users