DocLogix Signature
DocLogix Signature Extension
95 users
A popup window that can be used to write down quick notes and make calculations.
95 users
Open in Vivaldi
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Vivaldi browser.
95 users
GatherUp Google Review Link Generator
The GatherUp extension allows you to generate the Google Write a Review link for any business.
95 users
WikiTree AGC
The WikiTree AGC (Automatic GEDCOM Cleanup) extension allows users of to automatically reformat biographies created by GEDCOMpare. It adds a button to the wikitree profile edit page when the profile looks like one created by GEDCOMpare.
95 users
Ecosia Ad
Adds a yellow background to all ecosia ads
95 users
ManicTime Url Extractor
Sends current url to locally installed ManicTime client.
95 users
GitHub Issue Link Status
Colorize issue and PR links to see their status (open, closed, merged)
95 users
Image Direct
Google recently removed the button to view the image source when using Google's image search. With this add-on you can directly view the image source when using google image search again.
95 users
webextensions History Browser
Browse your browser history like a boss. Other extensions that can do it aren't compatible with Firefox 57+ anymore, only work in firefox and/or aren't open source. This extension tries to solve all of this
94 users
Generate FIT files from SYSTM workouts
94 users
Fusion Tables
Easy to Search and Find Tables of the Oracle Fusion Suite
94 users
Playpower Games Debugger
94 users
ChatGPT for Google Colab
Embed ChatGPT inside Google Colab.This open-source extension provides a user-friendly interface to interact with ChatGPT inside Google Colab.
94 users
Расширение позволяет зарабатывать реальные деньги за просмотр рекламы и выполнение оплачиваемых заданий. Вывод денег на QIWI, WebMoney, Яндекс.Деньги и другие.
94 users
افزونه پارس گت به شما امکان می دهد تا فایل های خود را به راحتی مستقیم و به سرورهای پارس گت انتقال دهید
94 users
Markdown file reader
View markdown files in Firefox.
94 users
Text Tools
Handy text tools including: - Uppercase - converts all characters to upper case - Lowercase - converts all characters to lower case - Count characters - counts all characters in text - Count words - counts words in text
93 users
fix CNKI charset settings in downloading by modifing Content-Disposition.
93 users
Redirect journal PDF viewers to direct downloads
93 users
SilentGuard - Adblock para YT
SilentGuard - Adblock blocks any ad in YouTube videos.
93 users
Open Earth Engine extension
An unofficel extension to enhance Google Earth Engine, and Open Earth Engine experience.
93 users
Medoro browser extension
Extension for arranging web browser windows and tabs for smoother user's experience from our applications.
93 users
Unlock Keyboard & Mouse
Enable Right click, Search, CTRL anyhwere! (Selection Drag Drop Cut Copy Paste Clipboard alt tab shift CTRL C Z S F T W A X STRG)
93 users
Global Consent Manager
Avoid annoying cookie consent dialogs by blocking them while denying consent to use your personal information. If you keep visiting the site, you will have a chance to accept.
93 users