Amazon Unsponsored
Entfernt die "Sponsored"-Produkte, die in der Suchergebnisliste auftauchen. Alle Anderen Empfehlungen, sowie Sponsored-Produkte in Kopf und Fuß bleiben bestehen.
87 users
87 users
WebAssembly Detector
Detects loading of WebAssembly file.
86 users
Google Auto-Load
Load more results when scrolling
86 users
XIVAnalysis Launcher
Launch xivanalysis with just one click!
86 users
SkipTo Landmarks & Headings
Provides keyboard access to landmark regions and headings (h1–h6) on a web page.
86 users
Repeatedly scroll a page, reloading the page when the bottom is reached.
86 users
GitHub Trending, Hacker News and Product Hunt, on every new tab! Devo is a new tab extension that displays GitHub Trending, Hacker News and Product Hunt front pages on every new tab, with no-login required. Devo is completely open-source.
85 users
TJRS Signer
Assinador A3 ICP-Brasil do TJRS
85 users
Share Website Sessions
Allows you to share already signed into website sessions with your friends or your other devices via email, chat, or Firefox's Synced Tabs functionality.
85 users
Slash Commands for ChatGPT and Bard
85 users
Turn pieces of ANSI text art and ASCII, NFO documents into HTML using RetroTxt. RetroTxt is the Extension that takes legacy and plain text files and stylizes them into a more acceptable, useful format to view or copy from a web browser tab.
85 users
Copy to Workflowy
Copies the current tab's title and address so that it can be pasted into Workflowy.
85 users
Copy Link
Make HTML link or text link from the context menu.
85 users
книги с параллельным переводом
Бесплатные книги с параллельным переводом.
85 users
Ads Block- Free ad blocker
A browser extension that automates skipping ads on YouTube.
85 users
Open in Visual Studio Code
Adds an "Open in Visual Studio Code" button to GitHub repos
85 users
Rich Presence for Discord
Connects firefox to discord using richpresence.
84 users
douban Plus
豆瓣电影 资源下载, IMDB评分, MPAA 分级
84 users
Mobile Wikipedia (WebExtension)
A WebExtension that redirects to mobile Wikipedia since it is faster and prettier. Icon is
84 users
eBird enhancements
Enhancements for the eBird web interface.
84 users for Firefox
An alternative Scre.Io for Firefox.
84 users
Auto-number Windows - stable menu order
Keep your windows in the order they were opened on the Mac OS Window menu. Optional toolbar button to list windows in the order created. Manifest v3 (Fx109+).
84 users
SheetKeys adds powerful keyboard shortcuts to Google Sheets, in the spirit of the Vim text editor.
84 users
GMail Notifier
Shows unread email count for your main GMail account. Opens last unread mail or GMail home page wen clicked.
83 users