Default links not to be underlined
Restores non-underlined hyperlinks by default (setting text-decoration: none).
69 users
default_playback_speed mk
This is an add-on that allows you to modify the initial playback speed of your video player. It is compatible with several video streaming platforms.
69 users
Fangame Archive
This extension automatically fetches fangame archive while browsing delicious-fruit in order to add missing download links wherever possible.
69 users
Auto Reload Page
Automatically reload web pages after a specified delay.
69 users
IMDb Search (Title)
Use the context menu (right click) to search on IMDb ( any text from other websites. Search only on titles of film, movie.
69 users
コンテキストメニューにweblio検索を追加します。 検索したい文字列を範囲選択した後、右クリックしてください。
69 users
Colab Autorun and Connect
Automatically connect, reconnect and optionally run the first cell of notebooks in Google Colab.
69 users
Anti Tumblr Infinite Scroll
Disables infinite scrolling in Tumblr themes and loads the next page the "natural" way instead
69 users
Strike Out Nofollow Links
Just strikes out nofollow links via CSS3 selectors.
68 users
Plain Text
"Plain Text" is a notepad for quick notes in your browser.
68 users
Simple Bookmarks Tree
Simple Bookmarks Tree
68 users
VolumeMaster Pro
Easily manage and control the volume of your browser tabs
68 users
NotebookLM Web Importer
Import web pages and YouTube videos to NotebookLM with one click
68 users
Tab Tosser
Automatically close tabs that have been ignored for too long. Free yourself of digital clutter.
68 users
Activates Content Meter library for web-pages.
68 users
Download web page as PDF document
68 users
SingleFile Auto-Save
Auto-Save tabs with SingleFile on Android
68 users
Are you tired of switching back and forth from terminal to web apps to validate regular expressions? This web extension will help you check matches in a string against a regular expression.
68 users
Android SDK Search
Adds an 'ad' Awesome Bar command and view source links for the Android SDK.
68 users
e-Dnevnik Plus za nastavnike
Napredne mogućnosti e-Dnevnika za nastavnike.
68 users
Beanfun Bypass
繞過Beanfun網頁檢測,讓火狐也能正常啟動遊戲 必須先安裝Beanfun plugin!Plugin_1.0.18.msi
68 users
allows you to press SPACE or ENTER on to view random Screenshot
68 users
Convert web pages to .mp3 files, locally.
67 users
Move Tab
Hate using your mouse to organize your tabs? Move active tab using Alt+Shift+Right and Alt+Shift+Left.
67 users
TribalWars Train
Addon allows you too send more than 1 attack in same time. What you need to do: Only make for example 4 tab pages with your attacks and then click button in toolbar. Addon will confirm all of your attacks in same time.
67 users