A blocker for AdBlock blockers!
64 users
Advanced Blue Light Filter
Customizable blue light filter with adjustable intensity and schedule
64 users
How Long to Read
Estimates how long it would take to read a web page
64 users
Website scripting
Developers can add javascript codes in webpage. Like customizing other websites with our own codes.
64 users
about:about Button
A WebExtension to quickly open about:* pages.
64 users
Rabbit Hole for YouTube™
Remove YouTube™ recommendations, comments, and more so you don't go down the rabbit hole again! Regards , Mohamad Samardeh Haghighi Fard
64 users
Last Visited Toolip
Shows last visit time in link toolips.
64 users
Github Lines of Code
Count lines of code in a Github project
64 users
PSud Navigation
Navigation entre les applications PSud
64 users
BiteFight Auto Adventure
The first BiteFight bot for Firefox. Automate your adventures!
63 users
Meffert WebRecruiter Parsing-Plugin
Webbrowser-Plugin Parsing für Meffert WebRecruiter
63 users
Reading List Micro
A minimal Firefox extension for saving pages to read later. Main idea of this extension – to provide "most minimal" extension and native-like experience.
63 users
Causes a clickable menu of current Bookmarks Toolbar items to appear when the mouse pointer is above the Firefox viewport (the area which displays web content).
63 users
Extension for the think-cell application on your Windows PC or Mac. (think-cell installation required)
63 users
Icon Clock
Yet another toolbar icon clock
63 users
Fox Pomodoro
A simple tool to start Pomodoro timer right at your browser.
63 users
Twitch blocked access from Korea to other countries, so it no longer works.
63 users
Popup dictionary with pronunciation
Double-click any word to see its definition. Also, you can quickly see all the words that you have looked up each day. It helps you build your vocabulary over time. WE DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO THE WORDS YOU LOOKUP!
63 users
Cookie BANner
This Addon hides cookie banner from almost all of the pages you visit. It bans cookie banner.
63 users
Brings back the old "Valkyrie" Playstation Store! Goto to access the old store
63 users
Google en Català
Cerca a a través dels cercadors de Firefox
63 users
简便快速的将火狐中的内容发送到 flomo
63 users
Zen Highlight: Highlight webpage faster
Highlight with one click. Just select text and it'll be highlighted. Copy all highlights to export into you own notebook. Free, unlimited highlights. No sign-up required.
63 users
Automates the process of filling up feedback form in ERP for IIT KGP students
63 users
Star Citizen Bulk XPLORer
This extension adds Bulk funcitonality to the HangarXPLOR extension
62 users