Youtube Playlist Duration and Progress Calculator
Find out the total duration or length of the YouTube Playlist (lectures, tutorials, music, video clips) and see how much you have watched (also displayed as a progress bar).
28 users
TextRecruit Everywhere Extension
The TextRecruit Everywhere Extension helps recruiters text candidates from their ATS, job boards, or LinkedIn.
28 users
Translate Button
Simple button that opens the current site on Google Translate, Bing or Yandex.
28 users
This extension will give you information about your current IP address.
28 users
Simple Context Share
Share to Facebook, Twitter, Gmail and more using the context menu
28 users
Copy/paste/save high-quality images of your Reddit Avatar.
28 users
Geocaching Logbook Generator
Generates GC Logbook directly from
28 users
Aria2 Integration Extension
Replace built-in download manager with Aria2.
28 users
Youtube Hide Opinion
Hides number of likes and dislikes from Youtube
28 users
Dropbox Paper Plus
Dropbox Paper on steroids A WebExtension (Firefox for the moment) to get back what I missed on Evernote and more... /!\ this is an experimental plugin, use it at your own risk! (especially the encryption feature).
28 users
Password manager PasswordHub
Open PasswordHub password manager
28 users
Pinned Jitsi Room
With Pinned Jitsi Room, you can create a pinned tab for your frequently used Jitsi rooms, and quickly switch to the tab whenever you need to join the room.
28 users
LaTeX in Discord
Render LaTeX in Discord chat.
28 users
Bing-Go-GPT 专业AI写作助手
Bing-Go-GPT 专业AI写作助手是一款智能的文本生成工具,可以根据用户的需求和偏好,自动写出各种类型的文本,如随笔、电子邮件、自媒体博客、创意文案等。该助手利用了强大的自然语言理解和生成能力,可以根据用户提供的关键词、主题、风格等信息,生成符合语法和逻辑的文本,同时保持内容的新颖和有趣。
28 users
Linkedin EndorseAll
Endorse all the skills of your connections all at one go in a single click
28 users
Tweetdeck for sidebar
You can display tweetdeck in the sidebar. サイドバーにtweetdeckを表示させることができます。youtubeを見ている最中だろうが、ブログを読んでいるときだろうが、いつでもタイムラインを見ることができます。
28 users
Instagram Automation
Automatically follow and unfollow users on Instagram for free!
28 users
a browser extension that helps users stay focused online with a simple and intuitive interface.
28 users
Pre-built messages from templates in your browser. Canned messages on right click that can be used in emails/social medias/chats.
28 users
Share-A-Cart for AliExpress
Share-A-Cart for AliExpress allows you to share the contents of your cart with anyone else.
28 users
Utilize a nossa extensão para o sistema GanharNoInsta e ganhe dinheiro curtindo, seguindo e comentando!
28 users
Find clowns on the internet
28 users
VkIdUnlocker shows user ID
27 users
Twitter Enhancement Suite
Keeps your timeline free of Twitter Blue users & allows you to revert all the other stupid changes Elon made.
27 users
Friends' Average for Letterboxd
Displays a histogram with ratings and average rating based solely on your friends' reviews on Letterboxd.
27 users