Radio Nova Player Plugin
Play Radio Nova from your browser background directly : Click on the Plugin Icon in your browser to enable or disable radio listening.
25 users chat/whisper with move numbers
Send chat messages or whisper to spectators room with move numbers
25 users
Live Thread Ticker
Live Thread Ticker (LTT) adds a ticker to videos to display live comments from Reddit threads
25 users
To-Do List extension
Manage your tasks with ease as you work!
25 users
Behance New Tab
The Behance New Tab extension displays a curated grid of beautiful new featured projects.
25 users
Umlauter: automatically add Umlauts
Corrects common German transcriptions like frueher to use the proper Umlaut ü (früher). Requires access to websites to correct typing in input boxes. All data is processed locally and is not sent to remote servers!
25 users
Skribbl QoL
Adds a couple of nice features to Though mainly muting. Also Skribbl QoL is open-source:
25 users
Control for Instagram
Lets you take control of your time by limiting Instagram features
25 users
Youtube like to view ratio
This extension displays the like to view ratio for youtube videos.
25 users
SocialiQ - Influencer Marketing Research Tool
Instagram, Youtube & Facebook Analytics firefox extension. Simply organize your social media research with SocialiQ
25 users
webAntidote PlutoTV GH2022
Quita imáges superpuestas,controles no funcionales. +adelan/retrcder(keybord) +play/pause +veloc. Ask 4 full!
25 users
AcFun Comment Instrumentality Project Extension A站评论补全计划插件
25 users
Native SoundCloud Downloader
Native SoundCloud Downloader.
25 users
Bart Proxy Switcher
Effortlessly change your proxies with just one click using our proxy addon. Load your list of proxies from a clipboard, and switch between them seamlessly. Autorotating supported. We support HTTP and SOCKS5 protocol.
25 users
Desktop notifications for Stack Exchange's inbox
Real-time desktop notifications for Stack Exchange's inbox. The inbox content is also shown in the panel at the extension button.
25 users
Create a short link to any text on the Internet.
25 users
Kick Chat Flusher
Enhances the viewing experience by providing a fullscreen chat overlay.
24 users
Hide Spoilers!
Create custom filters to hide potential spoilers. Any text which matches the filters will be covered with a black box. Hovering over the text will display it.
24 users
Remover Propagandas do Youtube
Remover propagandas do Youtube durante a exibição de um vídeo. Remove banner, e video propagandas.
24 users
Jitsi Emojis
Complete emojis for Jitsi chat application.
24 users
YouMeWho Save Button
Save items to YouMeWho lists
24 users
ReplyPal Gmail Whatsapp Reddit
Personalized, time-saving replies for Whatsapp, Gmail, Reddit via chatGPT AI technology.
24 users
Facebook Marketplace Hider
Hide facebook marketplace ads from your home page
24 users
Share on Mastodon
Share your current tab on Mastodon. This add-on posts the web page of the current tab on Mastodon with just one click.
24 users
Alseta's Passage: A Pathbuilder Discord Bot
Creates a safe passageway for your rolls from pathbuilder to discord
24 users