Adiciona a opção de gerar CPF, CNPJ ou Inscrição Estadual (só do Paraná no momento) ao menu de contexto do firefox.
54 users
Forced Google UK
Make the Google search result show Google UK results reglardless of your geolocation.
54 users
Animepahe Plus
Additional features for animepahe.
54 users
ocDownloader for Firefox
This extension allows you to directly download a file by right clicking a link on a web page and selecting"Download With ocDownloader" in the context menu. Requires a running Nextcloud instance with the ocDownloader app installed.
54 users
Bingosync +
This extension provides improvements for cards such as custom color theming, custom font, integrated timer, anti stars, quick screenshots, Clue and Invasion variant indicators in real time, translation and goals rearranging.
54 users
Tabs Group
Extension that allows you to group your tabs.
54 users
Better YouTube
Fixes some annoying things about YouTube, such as audio gain.
54 users
Web Developer Sidekick
Please note that this extension is useful for web developers only. It allows recognition of website environments and display useful data such as credentials, ip address, database connections...etc
54 users
XPaint image editor and painter
Create or edit images with XPaint
54 users
SERP Analyzer
Show IP Info & Country flag & domain owner. Adds a counter and domain owner next to search results to show it's ranking and name.
54 users
A simple and modern calculator add-on that remembers what you were just calculating.
53 users
The NativeExt extension manages access to the NativeExt application, which gives other browser extensions full access to your computer. NativeExt will explicitly ask you for every extension before granting it access to your system.
53 users
Tab hider
Provides a "Hide this tab" when you right click on a tab. Firefox 59 and above only. The API this extension uses is experimental. To use this extension, you must go to *about:config* and set *extensions.webextensions.tabhide.enabled* to *true*.
53 users
L2 <-> РМИС
Дополнение для региональной медицинской информационной системы Ростелекома. Интеграция ИС L2 с РМИС.
53 users
Structured Data Test of current URL
This extension tests the current URL in browser through Google's Structured Data Testing Tool with a single click - Created by
53 users
A very simple Firefox addon that enables fuzzy search of browsing histories and bookmark and tab
53 users
Simple Todo
Replace the newtab page with a simple todo list
53 users
Get That API
Get That API is an open-source browser extension made to test API endpoints right in the browser
53 users
Keeping – Time Tracker
Track your time with our easy to use add-on. Keeping allows you to track time you spend on projects, clients and tasks. Keeping enables you to analyze your productivity. Our add-on makes sure to sync all data securely in real time on web & mobile.
53 users
Voice Read-Aloud
Enable voice read-aloud for reader mode.
53 users
K-NOW companion extension.
53 users
Adds a trade-value calculator to the trade page of the browser game
53 users
Easily send out HTTP requests to get some data from a server
53 users
FL Duly Noted
Leave notes on storylet branches in Fallen London.
53 users
Wayback Machine Auto-Archiver
Automatically Archive Pages.
53 users