Watch your YouTube videos while scrolling through down the comment section.
34 users
Han - Pinyin - Chinsese translation
Transcript from Chinese into Han, Pinyin and translate into a language.
34 users
Flowace Add-on tracks active URLs and the time you spend on every active URL. This data links up with the Flowace suite of services. To know more please visit
34 users
AVJ - Assistente Virtual da Justiça
Este é um recurso de Acessibilidade para servidores com capacidade motora reduzida da Justiça que visa a facilitar a operação dos principais sistemas (Pesquisas, E-mails, etc.) com adaptações de usabilidade e otimização de procedimentos.
34 users
permite que os popups fiquem visíveis na tela. Adiciona barra de rolagem quando necessário.
34 users
Japscan Downloader
Ce module n'est plus mis à jour et contient des bugs. Veuillez utiliser à présent. Ce module permettait de télécharger des mangas sur le site
34 users
International Jobs
Leapfrog simplifies your LinkedIn job search by highlighting jobs from companies from the US, Europe hiring in Brazil. This is the best tool to find remote opportunities paying Brazilian professionals in dollar.
34 users
Druidifier les pages de Druide (
34 users
VIEW: language learning on any webpage
VIEW is an intelligent computer-assisted language learning (ICALL) system designed to provide language learning activity resources.
33 users
NetHelper empowers quick access to NetSuite records based on internal ids. Simply click the icon, paste the internal id into the correct select box, and then hit enter. Your record will be loaded into a new tab. Currently only supports NA2.
33 users
Wider Stackoverflow
Make Stackoverflow use your entire screen real-estate
33 users
Hydrus Save
Send links to Hydrus Network.
33 users
Adds vim-style hjkl navigation keys to your web browser.
33 users
Ambient sounds for your Firefox.
33 users
Fakes your Robux
33 users
Open YouTube maxresdefault Thumbnail
No longer supports upgrade . Please see On YouTube Player page, in address bar is adding icon. Click it and open new Tab with maxresdefault.jpg
33 users
Night Time Data on SLT Usage Meter
Displays Night Time Data on SLT usage meter.
33 users
Flylighter (Beta)
Capture Anything, Instantly
33 users
JSON Diff chrome extension which works offline
33 users
Bliss - Content Filter
Hides parts of web pages that contain certain unwanted keywords, defined by yourself.
33 users
TradesViz: Sync Trades from TradingView
Automatically sync your trades from TradingView to your TradesViz trading journal.
33 users
Close Tabs To The Left (i18n)
Adds a context item to the tab menu that close all tabs to the left of the selected one. The menu item is translated for English, French, Italian and Polish.
33 users
探索者小舒 - 强大快捷的侧栏搜索切换工具
33 users
Which Cloudflare® datacenter am I visiting?
Show the name of Cloudflare® datacenter you're currently visiting
33 users
StackOverbloat: remove sidebar on StackOverflow
Stop distracting me StackOverflow! This addon simply removes the right sidebar on Simple really.
33 users