Udacity Front End Feedback
Immediate, visual feedback about any website's HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
33 users
Kaplan Bar
Enhance your Kaplan Bar Review experience with AI-powered tools including instant essay grading, KapBot assistant, and more.
33 users
Timezone Clock Dashboard
Customize your dashboard with multiple timezones
33 users
EE-Entry Filler
Mother and Children Entry With Excel Sheet
33 users
Find and Replace Tab Urls
Find and replace text in the url across all of your tabs. Easily search for and replace specific strings such as dates, tokens, queries, and more. This app is designed when you have many tabs open and need to replace a particular string in the url
33 users
Расширение позволяет смотреть фильмы с кинопоиска онлайн в один клик
33 users
Hyperocto - Smart helper for opening links
Find Similar links and open them concurrently
33 users
Zendesk Download Router
Automatically routes Zendesk downloads into separate folders by ticket number
33 users
Adds a search box to the AWS SAML login page to allow for quick selection of accounts.
33 users
Pomodoro Blocker
Pomodoro timer that blocks distraction away
33 users
Website Limiter
Limits visits to given websites to the specified number, per 24 hours. Once the limit has been reached, the site can no longer be accessed, and a page with the amount of time until the next reset will be shown. Enjoy your newfound productivity!
33 users
Close Other Similar Tabs
Close all other similar tabs from same host. Shows tab count as well. Requires minimum permission.
33 users
No Featured Autoplay on Twitch
That autoplaying stream thing when you go on twitch? Bye.
33 users
Removes file and external link timers from curseforge.
32 users
On-Screen Keyboard voor toepassingen zoals bij Scanfie. Gratis en geen advertenties
32 users
AI Search
🌟Stop wasting time browsing ad-ridden, Search-Engine-Optimised sites and find what you are looking for from legitimate websites
32 users
Copy Tab URL WE
Copy Tab URL with custom format. Right click on Tab for use it.
32 users
Download Tools - Multi threaded
Multi-threaded download utility with aria2 engine for your browser!
32 users
Tab Slider
Keep your tabs ordered by their most recent usage.
32 users
Content MathML Polyfill
Converter from content MathML to presentation MathML
32 users
BattleMetrics Hour Summary
Summarizes player hours and past usernames on multiplayer game server management website BattleMetrics.com.
32 users
a browser extension to translate words selected in page
32 users
YouControl - перевірка контрагентів
YouControl - Аналітична система для ділової розвідки та перевірки контрагентів України. Формує досьє на кожну компанію України на основі відкритих даних, відстежує зміни в держреєстрах та візуалізує зв’язки між афілійованими особами.
32 users
StormFiles extension helps to read the documents offline in your browser without any programs
32 users