TST Hoverswitch
Switch to hovered tab without clicking in Tree Style Tab.
60 users
New Tab Tweaker
Make a new tab your own with custom background color, wallpapers, redirection, and other tweaks.
60 users
BibTex Quick Copy for Google Scholar
Quickly copy BibTex on Google Scholar with 1 click.
60 users
Wikipedia Shortcut
Search wikipedia (any language) directly from the address bar. Set the default language in the extension's settings or use a language option (e.g. "wik operating system" or "wik -fr Victor Hugo")
60 users
Googlepanel Lite WE
Googlebar Lite WE, resurrected to use Webextensions, compatible with Firefox 57+. EXPERIMENTAL - this is a working proof-of-concept version rewritten from the ground up (CREDITS TO: Jonah Bishop for creating the original GooglebarLite :-)
60 users
On supported video streaming websites, switch to fullscreen video on mouse double click. Also adjust volume using mousewheel when in full screen.
60 users
Δείτε το Visibility Ranking κάθε ιστοτόπου που επισκέπτεστε.
60 users
Disable Transitions
Disable all CSS transitions and animations
60 users
Slack Channel Exporter
Quickly export entire Slack channel and DM history with the click of a button.
60 users
Firefox Extension for Paperlib.
60 users
Protocol handler and link submitter for MLDonkey
60 users
Uncheck Radio Buttons
This extension allows users to uncheck radio buttons! Right-click any radio button to uncheck.
60 users
Bangs for Google
Use DuckDuckGo Bangs in the Google Search
60 users
NetBrain Extension
Netbrain Extension provides ability to find a tab
59 users
Rozszerzenie pozwalające na kopiowanie tagów OG do pamięci a następnie wstawianie skopiowanych treści do kreacji HTML w edytorze SARE.
59 users
Teamtailor sourcing
Source candidates to your Teamtailor account
59 users
Quick Compose for Gmail
Quickly open the compose window of Gmail. Keyboard Shortcut: Alt + C.
59 users
Notion Helper
An extension to enhance your experience with Notion
59 users
Takes a screenshot of the entire webpage from top to bottom in just one click.
59 users
Op een privacy vriendelijke manier gegevens verzamelen binnen je persoonlijke omgeving.
59 users
Drink Water
a simple extension to remind the user to drink water, from time to time, which will be defined by the user.
59 users
Find Your Tab
A browser add-on to help you find a tab easier
59 users
Send Link
Send links via customizable context menu entries as GET requests (mailto: is also supported).
59 users
Udemy Progress
Calculate your udemy course progress not by number but length of lectures
59 users
Bookmarks by Date
Displays a list of bookmarks in descending order from newest to oldest, grouped by the day they were added.
59 users