Your Whiteboard, basically a text-editor which will remember its content. It opens a text-editor in browser where one can write content (e.g. to do lists, memo). Whiteboard will remember all its content and fetch the same when one open next time.
57 users
Xdebug Button
Adds a button for enabling/disabling Xdebug
56 users
Filtered Interview Extension
This extension is developed primarily for https://www.filtered.ai.
56 users
Reddit source image viewer
Redirect from reddit preview domain to reddit i domain.
56 users
Serene: Website Blocker & Productivity Timer
Block distracting websites and get more done with Serene, a productivity browser extension for laser focus.
56 users
Find Me Best Directions
Keep your directions handy, always!
56 users
Page Scroller
Automatically scrolls down any webpage for you. Either you are reading some lyrics while playing an instrument, reading a book or an article, or just feeling too lazy to scroll down with your mouse, Page Scroller is the right tool for you!
56 users
Mini bookmarks for browser with quick access
Allows to save ten URLS as bookmarks in a popup
56 users
Warns if a domain or subdomain is an internationalized domain name to prevent fishing attacks.
56 users
Add context menu items that execute custom JavaScript.
56 users
SiteChecker - Free On-Page SEO Checker. Get Your SEO Score Now!
56 users
Unikey - Vietnamese Keyboard Driver
Unikey - Type Vietnamese for Windows Unikey is not a wand to help you categorize the standard Vietnamese writing but it is a tool to help you type in accents, edit fonts. Unikey supports Vietnamese typing on Windows (including 32-bit and 64-bit)
56 users
mDNS Discover
Dynamically discover local servers and devices using Multicast DNS.
56 users
Twitter Image-only Viewer
Adds a show-images-only button to Twitter profiles. Source code: https://github.com/rodsan0/betterimages
56 users
GitHub Notifier
Get the number of notifications from GitHub.
56 users
This simple addon retries to load a webpage until it is available with 3 min interval. It is made for realization of kiosks and information screens.
56 users
Display games owned on Steam in GOG
56 users
CORS Everywhere allows to anonymously fetch resources across origin
56 users
Newtab.urlEX (Custom new tab & bookmark browser)
Customize and override your new tab page with your own URL or a searchable bookmark browser! (Restores browser.newtab.url / bookmarksPanel.xul functionality)
56 users
Make ReCaptcha text accurate
Makes ReCaptcha's "I'm not a robot" text more accurate
56 users
Web VideoMark
Web VideoMark は動画配信サービス視聴時にビットレートや解像度、通信量、通信速度、途切れなく滑らかに再生されているかなど、動画再生と通信の品質情報を記録します。一部のサービスでは 1〜5 のスコアとして体感品質値を表示したり、解像度やビットレートの上限を設定して通信量を節約したり、ネットワーク帯域確保のため混雑時間帯に自動で画質調整する機能も備えています。
56 users
History Exporter | Web Wrapped
Export browsing history CSV format.
56 users
My Reading Mode
Show web pages as a reading mode with your defines.
56 users
Healthy Back
Healthy Back is your personal assistant who reminds you to sit up straight.
56 users
Download Shuttle Helper
Add new downloads to Download Shuttle directly from Firefox
56 users