PredictionHealth Sidekick
Turbocharge your EMR with audio-to-note capabilities, live CPT code feedback, AskAI, and more.
56 users
this help visually impaired one's to get better color perception. OUTLINE: 1. It simulates the websites as a color vision impaired person would see. 2. Basically,three prime colors involving(Red,Blue,Green) have different color blindness.
55 users
Roam Toolkit
A collection of tools to improve the UX and extend it's functionality.
55 users
PomoDoneApp Extension
Use our powerful Firefox extension to get most of the PomoDone App. NB: You should have Pomodone App installed. Please download the latest version of Pomodone App from our website:
55 users
auto scroll your webpage when you are reading a long content
55 users
Cite Creator
Constructs debate cites from html tags or page info and copies to clipboard.
55 users
Bard AI - Boots productivity
Discover a new way to interact with Google search results through Bard AI's revolutionary chat feature. Transform your search experience from a mundane task to an engaging conversation that provides you with the
55 users
Dyslexia-Friendly Font Toggle
Toggle a dyslexia-friendly font on webpages for easier reading.
55 users
Voice Changer Free
You can make free unlimited Voices
55 users
Currency Converter
Currency converter or currency exchange rates for mozilla firefox add on. Easy to compare Foreign exchange rate.
55 users
AZLabels - Thermal Labels For Amazon
AZLabels allows you to print thermal labels straight to your thermal printer from Seller Central. Tired of downloading PDFs, snapshotting the same section over and over, or using ancient software that takes forever? Print in one click.
55 users
SAC Routeportal GPX Downloader
Download gpx tracks from the Swiss alpine club route portal.
55 users
Moo Later
Version 2.0 supports the new Firefox Quantum update (version 57) released in November 2017. Quickly save a page as a task in your Remember the Milk account. Automatically uses the title and url of the current page and any highlighted text.
55 users
Xnl Reveal
Show alerts for reflected query params; Show Wayback endpoints; Show hidden elements; Enable disabled elements. See for more details.
55 users
Auto Cursor
A productivity tool to automatically select the first visible text input.
55 users
Batch Page Loader
Opens multiple pages with continuous numbering in the URL
55 users
Jellywallet - the No. 1 DeFiChain browser wallet. A non-custodial web wallet for DeFiChain & Bitcoin. Easily buy & sell cryptocurrencies for fiat, bridge assets between DeFiChain and Bitcoin & have full access to DeFiChains decentralized exchange.
55 users
With MerchCopyPaste you can simply copy and paste Brand, Title, Bulletpoints, Price and Description from the Amazon Merch Product Details Page (when in Draft/Edit Mode)
55 users
Luminous: JavaScript events blocker
An extension to identify, analyze and block code execution and event collection through JavaScript in your browser.
55 users
PDF Shark
PDF Shark is a powerful PDF converter tool. Convert PDF to DOC and DOC to PDF with just a simple drag-and-drop
55 users
Edpuzzle Video Speedup
Adds video speedup controls to the Edpuzzle platform.
54 users
Weh Inspector
Trace Remote Procedure Calls on Weh-2 addons
54 users
kodi control
Sends Media to Kodi. Based on Youtube to Kodi by Regss
54 users
FP Archive
This extension will allow you to use existing Facepunch links in search results/old links.
54 users
Quizizz Master
Rozszerzenie pozwalające na szybkie i dyskretne kopiowanie treści pytania na platformie Quizizz w przyjaznej formie dla chatów AI i wyszukiwarek. Dzięki temu jesteśmy uzyskać poprawną odpowiedź w stosunkowo niskim czasie.
54 users